Historical Note
In previous times governance was based mainly on power and
self-interest. When parliaments replaced monarchs as the main source of
law, political parties immediately polarized according to perceived class
interests, the Right representing the wealthy and powerful, the Left
representing working classes, peasants and factory employees. Elected
assemblies throughout the world became polarized in this way, the
Left-Right confrontation always evident. Some individual legislators may
have been motivated by idealism, but many were motivated by the
opportunity for self-aggrandizement and prestige.
In the democratic tradition, governance was based on the power of
numbers. Majority will was law, even though it might be irresponsible or
disadvantageous to minorities. As the expenditure of growing taxation took
over from simple legislation as the main pre-occupation of government, the
added influence accompanying the power to dispense money tended to corrupt
legislators. The 'rewards' of office increased, as also did campaign
expenditure, and those who financed the campaigns of legislature-hopefuls
naturally expected to be rewarded if their candidate was successful.
Governments became unresponsive and secretive, their powers and the
taxation needed to support them steadily increased.
Though attempts to establish basic human rights and to set limits on
law have always been pursued, the concept of inherent rightness in
law and social conduct was never considered. This would become the basis
of law and governance in the New Age.
The seeds of self-preservation and self-improvement are,
of necessity, born into every one of us. If we use this impetus to create,
to invent, to improve on what has gone before, collaborating with those
around us, then civilization will advance to the benefit of all. But if
the desire for self-aggrandizement is exercised at the expense of others,
if we seek to gain wealth, not through our own creative labours alone but
by exploiting and dispossessing others, by expropriating the work and
wealth of others, the more aggressive will become richer while others grow
poorer, and resentment, acrimony, conflict, confrontation and ultimately
war will result. This simple, fundamental truth provides the motivation of
law and governance in the New Age.
The foundation of law and social conduct in the New Age is the
perception that none should have power or dominion over others; none
should be permitted to exploit or steal from others; none should be able
to gain at the expense of others, none should increase his or her wealth
by diminishing that of others.
Since none may hold dominion over others, governance is based on a
presumption of liberty, everyone being free to do as they like, qualified
only by one simple, supreme law: Do No Harm. The purpose of law and
governance is to prevent people from injuring one another.
Injury can take many forms, personal injury, unfair use of natural
resources, dishonesty and inequity in trade and commerce. The duty of
government is to identify injury then take steps to prevent it, while at
the same time ensuring that government itself remains honest, open and
productive, and that its laws remain within the strictly defined
limitation of the prevention of injury.
The whole structure and purpose of government is guided by
one Supreme Law: Do No Harm. This law is held in the custody of the
EXECUTIVE, which has three duties:
1. It verifies all proposed legislation in order to ensure that it
complies with the One Law. If there is an injured party, or if any injury
is committed, the law must be seen to prevent that injury. But it is
equally important to ensure that the law goes no further, thus intruding
into personal liberty without justification. If there is no injured party,
there can be no law. When verifying that proposed legislation is thus
compliant, the process by which the law was debated and formulated is also
verified to ensure that all the specified due processes were complied
2. The Executive maintains open-access to all, receiving complaints of
insufficient or excessive law, and if justified ensuring timely and
effective remedy. Agents of the Executive will also ensure through
personal investigation that the processes of enforcement, justice and
correction are also carried out in the manner prescribed by law.
3. The Executive is responsible for ensuring that every process and
department of governance is executed to the highest standards at the
lowest cost, that is to say, that productivity in all departments of
governance is maximized. Accounts and productivity assessments are
conducted on a regular basis, either by the Executive's own office, or by
independent auditors. All accounts and proceedings of all aspects of
government are public at all times. The operations of the Executive are
likewise audited on a regular basis by not less than two independent
The operations of the Executive are supervised by an Executive
Committee, its members selected by the Legislative Representatives (see
Legislature). Any individual may institute a Referendum proposing the
censure or removal of any officer or officers of the Executive Committee.
Beneath the Executive are three managerially and financially autonomous
departments of governance:
1) Legislative Proceedings Each of these three Departments is charged with specific duties and
responsibilities, and is answerable to the Executive for its performance.
Where there is injury, there must be protective law. The
function of the Legislative Department falls into three stages.
First, Injury is identified and registered. This can be initiated by
any person, group, or society, either by direct application to the
Legislative Administration, or to the local Legislative Representative.
Legislative Representatives for each region are proposed and elected
within the region on the basis of trust and confidence, also for
preference, having a knowledge of law and liberty allowing them to explain
laws to their constituents and to advise on the definition of possible
injury enquiries.
Second, debate is scheduled in which all interested parties,
individuals, special-interests groups and societies etc are invited to
Third, an injury having been confirmed and clearly identified,
protective legislation must be formulated which can minimize or prevent
the injury while not creating any side-effects or risking possible injury
elsewhere. Legislation must deal with the injury in question, without
going further than is essential and thus risking unnecessary intrusion and
limitation of liberty.
Legislation thus formulated is then passed to the Executive, where it
is checked to ensure (a) that the process of debate and formulation were
carried out according to prescribed rules, (b) that the injury will thus
be effectively prevented, and (c) that no further intrusion is created.
Issues dealing specifically with Natural Resources apportionment or
economics and commerce are dealt with by separate Departments.
The Department of Natural Resources functions in three
First it maintains an on-going inventory and assessment of all natural
resources under its administration, above and below ground, inland and
coastal. Categories include mineable assets, agricultural land of
different soil types suitable for different crops, areas of outstanding
natural beauty, wilderness areas preserved for environmental balance and
Second it maintains an on-going assessment of current and foreseeable
requirements in terms of resource-extraction, agriculture, recreation,
residential, commercial and transportation needs.
Third, it attempts to balance availability with requirements in such a
way as to fulfill as many needs, desires and requirements as possible
while minimizing environmental impact and surface footprint, and within
the disciplines of good stewardship. While land-use titles cannot be
bought and sold and are granted on lease only, permanence of tenure is
guaranteed wherever possible, contingent upon responsible usage. Where
ownership of land-use titles are transferred between holders, any
investment or improvement undertaken may be recompensed.
The proceedings of the Department are open at all times to
participation by any interested or affected individuals, special interest
groups and societies, and local Legislative Representatives.
Economic Management has three objectives to fulfill:
Economic and Monetary Stability, Opportunity for everyone to participate
to the fullest extent of their desires and capabilities, and assurance of
maximum Productivity and Quality.
The Supreme Law requires that trade and commerce should be equitable,
that is, commercial exchanges of goods and services should represent equal
value in terms of price for product or service. In order to fulfill this
requirement, a standard system of work measurement sets a work-value on
every job. This ensures that each job is rewarded fairly in relation to
others, thus avoiding any need to dispute remunerations and the associated
acrimony. In addition, the basic work-unit becomes the monetary unit, thus
the monetary unit has stability and definition in terms of work done. The
Work and Remuneration Council regularly reviews job changes and new
developments, and accepts submissions at any time from anyone who may
consider a particular aspect of work is neglected or inappropriately
rewarded. Total outgoings in terms of remunerations and capital repayments
determine prices. Profits, that is, the surplus of income over costs, are
strictly limited. Stability of remunerations and prices is thus ensured.
As a result of monetary stability, economic activity can be expanded to
full capacity without any problem of inflation. The universal division of
labour renders it difficult for individuals to initiate self-employment
unsupported and unaided; it is therefore considered essential that
services be available to ensure that everyone is able to participate
economically to the fullest extent of their desires and capabilities. Full
employment is assured by 'empowerment economics' in which credit is used
aggressively to promote new enterprises or improve productivity of
existing enterprises. Availability of credit is reinforced by expert
advice and assistance in the relevant field, together with financial
supervision and monitoring. The project itself forms the credit
collateral. Usury is not practiced, and interest is neither charged on
loans, nor paid on bank credit balances.
The monetary unit is based on work-content, which decreases as
productivity increases since by definition, an increase in productivity
means that the same or better product is being made with less work. Thus
the cost of living both in real and monetary terms slowly falls as
productivity rises. Though interest is not paid on savings, the value in
terms of purchasing power of saved credit is constantly increasing.
It is also considered vital for the advancement of civilization, that
productivity and quality be continuously maximized, offering at all times
the best products and services at the lowest possible cost. Credit and
expert technical and financial advice and support are constantly available
to this end; in addition, a universal register of product and operational
standards, continuously updated, shares information on the latest products
and production techniques. Managements are expected to keep themselves
informed of developments, to update where appropriate, and to contribute
any new ideas they may themselves develop. Monitoring of productivity in
essential, infrastructure, and monopoly services is particularly strict.
Nor are departments of government exempt from productivity scrutiny. It is
easy for government, as an enforced monopoly, to slip into the path of
steadily increasing costs (taxes) in combination with decreasing
productivity, a danger to which New Age Government is especially alert.
Under New Age Governance, the sole purpose of law is to prevent injury,
and the departments of governance are disciplined in their conduct and
Thomas Jefferson may have glimpsed the future in his first Inaugural
Address given on March 4th, 1801: The difference between government and people is that
government holds power over people. This is necessary. If a society is to
function in a peaceful, orderly and productive fashion, a degree of
regulation is required, and this is the function of government. It is
important that the people accept the regulation and laws of government; it
is likewise important that the departments of governance are perceived as
competent, just and honest. If government becomes self-indulgent and
oppressive, revolution will inevitably result. The power of government
must be conditional upon its fulfillment of specific duties, with limits
on its power clearly set out. The people must have a course whereby they
can peaceably criticize or remove any government department or official of
government when misuse or abuse of power is perceived to exist.
The quality of governance is dependent on the quality of the people not
only inside, but outside government. Thus it is of prime importance to
ensure, through education at the earliest stage, that any signs of
aggression are discouraged through explanation and training. Collaboration
rather than aggressive competition should accompany growth. Daily practice
of tolerance, goodwill, seeing other points of view, and of course always
the renunciation of aggression and the imposition of self upon others,
such practice will help to ensure and preserve the dream of lasting peace
on earth.
If any man, any woman, acquires or is granted power
over any other or others, this will – not may, but will most surely and
certainly – lead to abuse, misuse and corruption.
The only Power that is competent and can be trusted to regulate the affairs of community and society is the Power of Principle, the Principle that in the pursuit of self-improvement and the exercise of liberty, no-one should injure or exploit others. This Principle of Non-Imposition is neutral and impersonal. It is a shield, protecting from injury, preventing injury. Legislators hold no arbitrary or discretionary power. They are simply Interpreters, applying the Principle in terms of everyday events and actions. The process of Interpretation is clearly delineated and circumscribed. If there is Injury, there must be Protection. If there is no Injury, then there is neither cause nor justification for the interference of law. |